WSO Protects critical habitats and endangered species globally by means of the sustainability certifications Friend of the Sea and Friend of the Earth and the related conservation and awareness projects.

WSO Protecting our Sea. Protecting our Earth


WSO is an organization combining two consumer friendly logos (FOS,FOE), these can potentially certify sustainability for the whole food range (seafood and agro), as well as non food products and services. WSO delivers the certifications based on 30 years experience in the field, independently and by means of audits of accredited certification bodies.

WSO’s activity is international in its scope and multi products.

The requirements are strict, as proved by all benchmarks, but our price offer is very affordable and accessible to small scale and artisanal producers. All standards include Social Accountability, an always more important issue in food and non food production.

Our job does not end at the certification itself, we continuously network between sustainable companies and buyers promoting the certified products. Companies support our conservation programmes and leverage on their environmental engagement.


Certification of seafood products
from sustainable fishing and aquaculture.

The Friend of the Sea logo on a product guarantees:

Certification of products from
sustainable agriculture and farming

The Friend of the Earth logo on a product guarantees:


Save the Albatroz

Save the Albatroz

Save the Penguins

Save the Penguins

Save the Turtles

Save the Turtles

Save the Ibis

Save the Ibis

Save Parrots

Save Parrots

Save the Frogs

Save the Frogs

Save the Corals

Save the Corals

Fish Welfare

Fish Welfare

Save the Sharks

Save the Sharks

Save the Butterflies

Save the Snails

Save the Snails

Save the Primates

Save the Primates



WSO Foundation

The World Sustainability Foundation (WSF) is a non-profit segment of the World Sustainability Organization (WSO) founded in 2014 at the initiative of Paolo Bray, who is now also president of the WSF.

The World Sustainability Foundation is dedicated to global social solidarity and has been in operation since 2022.

It aims to protect and improve the environment by promoting a culture of sustainable development as well as conducting online awareness campaigns.

Some of the new entity’s third sector commitments include land enhancement, protection of marine and terrestrial resources and habitats, and the development of campaigns to protect endangered species.

The Foundation will work to achieve its goals by establishing a collaborative network of states, institutions, research centers, universities, and businesses Friend of the Sea® or Friend of the Earth® certified.

Training CourseS and Technical Assistance

Nutritional Strategies

Packaging impact on the environment

Benefits for Companies

Benefits for

If you want ecolabelling for your seafood
services find out more about Friend of
the Sea Standards and Certifications for
your fishery and farmed fish products.